25 thoughts on “POWER YOGA CLASS Vinyasa Level 1-2 Core ABS Cardio Weight Loss

  1. Your style certainly hit my yoga groove. I do not feel guilty when I stay
    home and watch your videos instead of weight training at the gym. Bravo!!

  2. Thank you for this video. I’m now able to keep up my yoga while on
    vacation. Happy holidays! Blessings to you.

  3. I have been doing beginner yoga for about 2 months now but because of work
    and school I haven’t been able to do it for more than 3 days a week 30
    minutes a day. Now that I am done with school I will be able to practice a
    little more often. This is perfect for the level that I am at with this
    practice. I look forward to trying it out tonight! :)

  4. Hi Ali,
    Love it thank you – going to do this tonight with a friend! What is the
    background music by the way? It’s so lovely.
    Laura x

  5. Woo! Just finished this sequence and absolutely loved it. Challenging, but
    had great flow and cueing. Got a good workout on core an shoulders, which
    is exactly what I needed today. Thanks for the awesome channel! You’ve
    really helped me keep my practice at home.

  6. You’re classes have made me see how much I need to work on my upper body
    and lower back. They’re really fantastic. Thank you! <3

  7. “Don’t stop when you’re tired,stop when you’re finished” became my
    motivation to go through your classes,Ali. Your classes are one of a kind.
    And thanks for always reminding to honor your body. This helps me so much.
    Thank you,namaste!!

  8. I am sweating! this flow practice made me calm and confident.
    erase other things outside and focus the present the posture, I will keep
    it in my mind Ali! Thank you so much for your class

  9. Holy crap that was difficult. I’m a beginner, though not the lowest level,
    but I will have to come back to this one. I could not make it through all
    the plank sequences, though I guess I did over half of them. I have no
    idea how you did it in that heat. I’m going to be feeling this one in my
    upper body tomorrow. It’s good for me, though, my lower body strength is
    so much further ahead of my upper body.

  10. This is my favorite video <3 Thank you so muwach for nice video! I luv it
    and appreciate it! Thank you!!!!!

  11. I made it further into this video than the last time I did it :). I’m quite
    happy with myself. You have an amazing gift & way Ali! Thank you for
    sharing, Namaste. :)

  12. such a great video ali !! iam really excited to do this.. bt have a
    question how many days i have to do this? how to incorporate with ur other

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